General Information

AI ID Branch SIC County Basin Start End
18133 Municipal 4941 Lauderdale Pascagoula River 07/07/2003

Physical and Mailing Address

Physical Address (Primary) Mailing Address
Russell Topton and Redman Road
Meridian, MS 39301
PO Box 143
Bailey, MS 39320

Permits and Alternate/Historic AI Identifiers

AI ID Alt Name Alt Type Start Date End Date
MS0058858 North Lauderdale Water Association, Inc. Water-NPDES 11/17/2003 10/31/2008
MS0058858 North Lauderdale Water Association Inc Water-NPDES 01/06/2009 11/01/2013
MS0058858 North Lauderdale Water Association Inc Water-NPDES 11/01/2013 10/31/2018
MS0058858 North Lauderdale Water Association Inc Water-NPDES 11/26/2018 10/31/2023
MS0058858 North Lauderdale Water Association Inc Water-NPDES 11/20/2023 10/31/2028

Office of Pollution Control Contacts

Name Assignment Phone Number
Gammill, James Office of Pollution Control Water Compliance Manager (601) 961-5243
Crain, Bradley Office of Pollution Control Water Permit Manager (601) 961-5177
Campbell, Joshua Office of Pollution Control Water Permit Staff (601) 961-5217

Active Permits Available Online

Permit Type Permit Number Issue Date Permit Document
Water - NPDES Renewal MS0058858 11/20/2023 click for document

Current Status of Individual Permit Applications

Program Permit Type Permit Number Status Date Status Desc.
Water NPDES Renewal MS0058858 11/20/2023 Permit Issued

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Public Records Request Link
PO Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225-2261
Phone Number: (601) 961-5171
Fax Number: (601) 961-5049