Mississippi Lead-Based Paint Certifications

Agency Interest Name Address County Phone License Type License Number Expires
Charles D. Bingham Micro-Methods, Inc.
Ocean Springs, MS 39566
Jackson (228) 875-6420 Lead Inspector PBI-00003690 3/31/2025
Cynthia M. Blockett PO Box 4020
Cleveland, MS 38732
Bolivar (662) 719-7861 Lead Inspector PBI-00001392 3/26/2025
Maxwell S Bonner Bonner Analytical Testing Company
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Forrest (601) 264-2854 Lead Inspector PBI-00005314 7/14/2025
Anthony I. Bryant Specialty Abatement Services, Inc.
Hattiesburg, MS 39404
Forrest (601) 264-5550 Lead Inspector PBI-00002491 3/6/2025
Martin A. Cooke Pickering Firm, Inc.
Flowood, MS 39232
Rankin (601) 956-3663 Lead Inspector PBI-00012531 12/31/2025
Charles S. Grant Multi County Community Services Agency, Inc.
Meridian, MS 39301
Lauderdale (601) 938-1161 Lead Inspector PBI-00007779 3/31/2025
Mark L Hughes TVRHA
Corinth, MS 38835
Alcorn (662) 286-8437 Lead Inspector PBI-00008786 11/30/2025
Kristian S King Advanced Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Jackson, MS 39202
Hinds (601) 362-1788 Lead Inspector PBI-00003590 10/31/2025
Jessica Lewis MS Band of Choctaw Indians
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Neshoba (601) 663-7844 Lead Inspector PBI-00013044 9/30/2025
Delfonzo M McAfee McAfee Safety Analysis, Inc.
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Madison (601) 812-6252 Lead Inspector PBI-00013114 10/31/2025
William B McKnight Terracon
Jackson, MS 39216
Hinds (601) 956-4467 Lead Inspector PBI-00011346 12/10/2025
Clifford Wayne Meins Micro Methods
Ocean Springs, MS 39566
Jackson (228) 875-6420 Lead Inspector PBI-00001740 3/31/2025
Jonathan R Muirhead SEMS, Inc.
Jackson, MS 39209
Hinds (601) 521-9056 Lead Inspector PBI-00010938 7/23/2025
Vance L. Nimrod 323 Central Street
Greenville, MS 38701
Washington (662) 820-9612 Lead Inspector PBI-00001068 6/9/2025
Tunga L Otis LRH, Inc.
Prentiss, MS 39474
Jefferson Davis (901) 568-5608 Lead Inspector PBI-00012324 8/31/2025
Derek M Patterson MSP Enterprises, LLC
Moselle, MS 39459
Jones (601) 270-3702 Lead Inspector PBI-00012853 6/9/2025
Sir Jarrick Pizzferro City of Hattiesburg
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Forrest (773) 824-6826 Lead Inspector PBI-00012745 4/23/2025
Ron Robinson PO Box 5422
Columbus, MS 39702
Lowndes (662) 574-6594 Lead Inspector PBI-00007787 3/14/2025
Terry D Robinson City of Hattiesburg
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Forrest (601) 307-3405 Lead Inspector PBI-00012751 4/23/2025
Emily A Roush-Elliott Design Build Solutions
Greenwood, MS 38930
Leflore (662) 457-0002 Lead Inspector PBI-00011389 3/30/2025
Nicklaus C Shumake 1905 North Pearl Street
Carthage, MS 39051
Leake (601) 421-5503 Lead Inspector PBI-00013046 9/30/2025
Ray White Alcorn State University
Lorman, MS 39096
Jefferson (601) 443-3633 Lead Inspector PBI-00012535 11/30/2025
George P Wishork Jr. 1128 Golf Course Road Apt. 6
Philadelphia, MS 39350
Neshoba (601) 934-5667 Lead Inspector PBI-00013048 9/30/2025

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PO Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225-2261
Phone Number: (601) 961-5171
Fax Number: (601) 961-5049